January 18, 2018 Board Meeting Summary...
Summary of January 18, 2018 Meeting
◆ As the board meeting was about to be called to order, a homeowner objected to the board meeting being held, as he contended there was insufficient notice of the meeting to the homeowners. The homeowner contended that the agenda and the sign should be posted 4 days in advance of the meeting and that it was only posted 2 days and six hours in advance.
A discussion was held by the Board members and by the many community members present. The homeowner was asked to waive his objection, but he would not.
The homeowner was then asked by the Board members if he would contest any votes that were taken at this meeting if the meeting proceeded and he said that he would.
Therefore, the meeting was not called to order and there was a discussion of possibly holding another meeting within the next 2 weeks.
Circulated by
Kathleen Nakos
If you want to obtain prior months’ meeting minutes, contact Dee at Fidelity Management at (818)407-6620 x233 or dee@fidelitymngt.com.